Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Member of the Family

Yesterday we added to our family. My daughter Myra bought a hedgehog. He really is a cute little critter. She has been researching them, since she decided she wanted one as a pet and learned they have their own personalities. Yesterday my husband and I picked it up for her from the pet store and it was not a happy camper on the drive home, however this morning when my daughter took it out to play with it, he was very active and wanted to roam all over the living room.

On the way back home we ran across this little patch of sunflowers growing in the corner of on of the middle schools in our area. They are so pretty, I just had to stop and take pictures of them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Ever have those days, weeks, months when you just feel so disorganized. That has been me. Guess has been to much running around. Have been in the mood to do some scrapbooking and other crafts, but have to hunt for everything I need to complete my project.

Yesterday I started organizing everything and putting in little plastic containers so that I can find what I need when I need it. Had it all organized several months ago but guess working on projects and hurrying and putting things up they got all disorganized. So my goal this week is to get everything in its place and then start working on some projects that I can't get out of my mind.

I know you don't want to hear it but....the holidays are just around the corner and I want to get a head start on those as well as making reserved table signs for a charity event for Susan G Komen of Acadiana that we will be doing at work in October. Want to use my cricut breast cancer cartridge to make the reserved table signs, thought it would add a nice touch to the signs.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Birthday Cards

When it comes time for birthday's for the niece's and nephew's, I try to make them a card of something they are interested in. Since our niece, Elizabeth, is so into Superhero's I decided to make her a Batman card from the Cricut Batman Cartridge I bought a while back. Forgot to take picture of the inside, but used yellow cardstock and had cut out Happy Birthday in blue and glued onto the inside.

For Bailey's I was unsure of what to make for her but was running out of time. Remembered a cute kit I had from Lorie Davidson at Sudio Girl called "Buzi Bugs Birthday" that would be cute for a 2 year old.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blobbin (Robin) & Fatman (Batman)

We attended a superhero costume birthday party for our nieces, Elizabeth who turned 6 and Bailey who turned 2 (they are cousins). Their birthdays are one day apart so they combined them into one party. My husband and his brother, Elizabeth's dad, decided to go as Batman and Robin...later changing the names to Blobbin (my husband) and Fatman (brother in law). You really have to know that when these two get together you never know what is going to happen. They also dressed my son up as Thor.

On the way to the party I told my husband that he did know that if anything happened he would be going to the ER in this costume. His response was "I will just tell them we were attacked by the Legion of Doom". It is very funny, but I told him that might earn him a trip to the psyhic ward.We had a blast at the party all had a good laugh at them dressed up like superheros. What wonderful memories that these kids will remember forever of how crazy and fun their Dad, Uncle and Cousin made their birthday party. This was not the first time they have done something like this and won't be the last. There is another brother that joins in most of the time but didn't get a chance to this time.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Very Merry UnBirthday

As some of you may know me and my sister in law have been planning to do a Very Merry Unbirthday Party for a local childrens shelter. Well on June 26th we had the party and it was so much fun!

A Couple days before the party we dropped off a gift bag with popcorn and Disney's Alice in Wonderland DVD for the kids to watch to get in the mood for the party.

The kids had a tote bag decorating contest, a fill the teapot using teacup rely race and finally a water ballon fight. The water ballon fight was a welcome relief since the tempatures were near 100 degrees.

We then had cupcakes, teapot & heart cookies, and Kool Aid bottles.

Each child received a gift bag with a camera, photo album, note pad and other Alice themed goodies. They had candy roses and watches that were candy bracelets, all things found around Valentines and bought and saved.

We decorated the table with fun little flowers in teacups and a mouse in a teapot.

It was so much fun! The kids really had a great time. My son can't wait til we do another party for them at Christmas.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where Does All The Time Go

Where does all of the time go? Seems like time has just been flying by lately. Has been awhile since I posted on here. Have been really busy with work and play. My dear husband helped me to make a light tent for taking photos of my crafts and have been working with my sister in law on a Very Merry Un-Birthday Party for a local childrens shelter.

Hoping this weekend some time to get my pictures of cards I made recently put up on here and also pictures of my neat, inexpensive light tent my dear husband helped me with.

Monday, June 7, 2010

What a Weekend

It was a crazy weekend. Got home Friday and my son sat down to use the computer and the wireless keyboard was not working. Played with it for awhile and realized it had died. Of course did not have a regular plug in keyboard in the house. Then Saturday me and my daughter went to a Slemco (electric Coop) meeting, where they were giving away twenty $2,000.00 scholarships. They also were giving away door prizes and an automobile. Jamie Bergeron, a local musican, was playing music, which was nice. Was a long morning though from 7:30 to 11:30 and lot of people. My dauther did not win one of the scholarships nor did we win any of the prizes.

After running around town and going to one of my favorite places Barnes & Noble, for summer reading books for Tristan, went and bought a new wireless keyboard. Came home and got it to working and my son takes over the computer.

Bought the book "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane" by Katherine Howe. It looks to be interesting and was on a table with must reads. Also bought a funny book for my husband for his birthday, June 10 is his birthday day, called "Geek Dad Awesomely Geeky Projects and Activities for Dads and Kids to Share" by Ken Denmead. What made us decide to get this for him is they have a chapter called Parenting with Role Playing Games and Bringing Video Games to Life. This is so my husband. Of course he has never used role playing games to parent, but probably because he never thought of it.

It's Monday so off to work I go! Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Slipping Through My Finger...

The song "Slipping Through My Fingers" keeps running through my head. It is a song by ABBA and it is on the "Mama Mia" soundtrack. Guess with Graduation and our daughter getting a job and starting college in August it just speaks to me. Seems like just yesterday she was a little girl and now she is a young woman. An amazing young woman! My heart swells with pride when I listen to her and see the young adult she is becoming. She is so out of the box and her own person, truly marches to her own beat. I have always told my husband she is a old soul in a young persons body. Another song that keeps running through my head, as I have sat and scanned pictures of her as a child into the computer, is "Child of Mine" by Carole King. Yes! I'm sappy and sentimental, but such a proud Mama.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend! Keep in mind all of the Men and Women who have served this country and those that are still serving.

I can almost smell the barbque pits getting fired up! Yum! Just me and the kids this weekend so not sure if we will grill or just fix something simple. Think we are all just chilling out and taking a breather from being so busy last week with High School Graduation and 8th Grade Transistion Ceremony.

Enjoy your weekend and remember the sun screen : )!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Taking the Leap

Here goes! Have been wanting to try a blog page, but just was not brave enough to try one. Seeing some of my friends jump in and try has given me the courage to try it out.

Looking forward to posting and sharing bits of fun from my world. Let me start by introducing myself. I work full-time have been married to a wonderful man for almost 21 years who to this day still makes me laugh. He is a big kid and love him for it. Have 2 beautiful children a daughter that just graduated High School and will start college here in Lafayette, LA at UL of Lafayette in August and a son who will start High School in August. Have lived in Lafayette for all but 4 years of my life. Love the area we live in, known as the heart of Cajun Country (Acadiana). Great people, great food, great music and great family values.

My hobbies are scrapbooking, photography, reading, baking and cooking not in any specific order jus whatever grabs my interest that day. Think I'm a little ADD somedays. Hope that I can share a little of all of these passions with you in my blog.