Friday, May 28, 2010

Taking the Leap

Here goes! Have been wanting to try a blog page, but just was not brave enough to try one. Seeing some of my friends jump in and try has given me the courage to try it out.

Looking forward to posting and sharing bits of fun from my world. Let me start by introducing myself. I work full-time have been married to a wonderful man for almost 21 years who to this day still makes me laugh. He is a big kid and love him for it. Have 2 beautiful children a daughter that just graduated High School and will start college here in Lafayette, LA at UL of Lafayette in August and a son who will start High School in August. Have lived in Lafayette for all but 4 years of my life. Love the area we live in, known as the heart of Cajun Country (Acadiana). Great people, great food, great music and great family values.

My hobbies are scrapbooking, photography, reading, baking and cooking not in any specific order jus whatever grabs my interest that day. Think I'm a little ADD somedays. Hope that I can share a little of all of these passions with you in my blog.


  1. YEAH! So glad you started a blog! We can figure this out together! :)

  2. Well done.. congrats on your leap into new waters..

  3. woooohooooooooooooooo welcome to blog land :)

  4. Great start! I am sure you will have a lot of fun with it! :)
