Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blobbin (Robin) & Fatman (Batman)

We attended a superhero costume birthday party for our nieces, Elizabeth who turned 6 and Bailey who turned 2 (they are cousins). Their birthdays are one day apart so they combined them into one party. My husband and his brother, Elizabeth's dad, decided to go as Batman and Robin...later changing the names to Blobbin (my husband) and Fatman (brother in law). You really have to know that when these two get together you never know what is going to happen. They also dressed my son up as Thor.

On the way to the party I told my husband that he did know that if anything happened he would be going to the ER in this costume. His response was "I will just tell them we were attacked by the Legion of Doom". It is very funny, but I told him that might earn him a trip to the psyhic ward.We had a blast at the party all had a good laugh at them dressed up like superheros. What wonderful memories that these kids will remember forever of how crazy and fun their Dad, Uncle and Cousin made their birthday party. This was not the first time they have done something like this and won't be the last. There is another brother that joins in most of the time but didn't get a chance to this time.


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