Monday, June 7, 2010

What a Weekend

It was a crazy weekend. Got home Friday and my son sat down to use the computer and the wireless keyboard was not working. Played with it for awhile and realized it had died. Of course did not have a regular plug in keyboard in the house. Then Saturday me and my daughter went to a Slemco (electric Coop) meeting, where they were giving away twenty $2,000.00 scholarships. They also were giving away door prizes and an automobile. Jamie Bergeron, a local musican, was playing music, which was nice. Was a long morning though from 7:30 to 11:30 and lot of people. My dauther did not win one of the scholarships nor did we win any of the prizes.

After running around town and going to one of my favorite places Barnes & Noble, for summer reading books for Tristan, went and bought a new wireless keyboard. Came home and got it to working and my son takes over the computer.

Bought the book "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane" by Katherine Howe. It looks to be interesting and was on a table with must reads. Also bought a funny book for my husband for his birthday, June 10 is his birthday day, called "Geek Dad Awesomely Geeky Projects and Activities for Dads and Kids to Share" by Ken Denmead. What made us decide to get this for him is they have a chapter called Parenting with Role Playing Games and Bringing Video Games to Life. This is so my husband. Of course he has never used role playing games to parent, but probably because he never thought of it.

It's Monday so off to work I go! Have a great day!

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